Elisa Lam

For me, Elisa Lam is a ‘car crash you can’t help but look at’ kind of case. I’m not squeamish generally, but this case makes my stomach turn.

So from my research, I found the main problems people have are how did Elisa get into the water tank on her own? If she had lifted the lid and slid in and then it shut behind her, wouldn’t it have caused some kind of injury? So therefore did someone put her in there and close the tank?

When we question whether or not she had marks or bruises on her skin, we should bear in mind that her body was in the water tank for 3 weeks (not something I like to think about too much). Things happens to a body when it’s immersed in water that long that would hide clues as to what happened to her.

I have my doubts that foul play was a factor, and lean more towards the idea that she was suffering from a mental health crisis. There would have been some evidence that she had been murdered. Unless, she was lured to the roof and into the water tank. I just don’t know though. To be honest this case really messes with my head.

I made this handy map all about what happened at the Hotel Cecil in 2013, because I find it easier to get my head around that way. I hope you find it informative, and if you don’t, I hope you at least think it’s kind of cool to look at.